Our Drivers

Contact us for questions or assistance.

EU Drivers from, for, and throughout Europe

For a good weekly salary, neat company clothing, and direct contact with our planners, EU Drivers is the right place for you. We excel in quality and reliability. We do what we say, and we say what we do. With a growing number of clients throughout Europe, we are constantly seeking the best CE drivers.

EU Drivers is transportation with passion.

Why work at EU Drivers?

  • We handle all formalities and paperwork for our drivers
  • Our planners speak your language and are familiar with the transport industry
  • We provide year-round work
  • ‘Last but not least’: we pay you a good salary weekly, provide you with neat company clothing, and offer personal guidance.

EU Drivers is committed to quality for clients, but certainly also for the quality of our drivers.

The story of a successful driver

Naam: Mark

Mark always had a passion for the open road. He dreamed of driving across Europe and experiencing the freedom that comes with the life of a driver. When he heard about EU Drivers, he knew this was his opportunity.


Mark decided to reach out to EU Drivers, and soon enough, he became part of their team of experienced drivers. He was impressed with the personal guidance he received and the opportunities EU Drivers provided. They handled all the formalities and ensured he was well-prepared for his journeys.


With EU Drivers by his side, Mark could turn his dream into reality. He drove through beautiful landscapes, visited different countries, and met interesting people. Mark enjoyed the flexibility and adventure that came with his job as a driver.


But Mark’s success went beyond just driving. Thanks to EU Drivers, he had the opportunity to enhance his skills and further develop as a driver. He was valued by clients for his professionalism and reliability.


Today, Mark is a well-established name in the transport industry. He is known as one of the best CE drivers, thanks in part to his collaboration with EU Drivers. Mark takes pride in his success and is grateful for the opportunities he has been given.


This is the story of a successful driver who fulfilled his dream with the help of EU Drivers. If you, too, want to conquer the road and be successful in Europe, choose EU Drivers. We ensure that your driver’s career runs smoothly.

Team EU Drivers

EU Drivers is a specialized, dynamic, and ambitious staffing agency for CE drivers throughout Europe. Our company is located in [location]. Our organization, with a multilingual excellent back office and top-quality drivers, is the pride of our company.

‘EU Drivers is transportation with passion.’

Our home base guarantees excellent collaboration with clients and drivers. The atmosphere is open and honest, and our enthusiasm is complemented by no-nonsense humor.


‘Together, we go everywhere in Europe.’